A customer wanted a turnkey solution
for a programmable coating-dipping process for delicate Visual Display
Units (VDUs) which as required to have an Ethernet Interface. In
addition an option for un-interruptable power supply (UPS) was offered.
From this specification a visual basic user screen package was designed
and included in the package.
Scope of overall contract.
Proposal, design, mechanical and electrical builds, test, then demonstrate and finally deliver.
Description of equipment and services supplied.
The mechanical build consisted of a
modular aluminium linear actuator structure with vertical and cross axis
ball-screw driven units. The system used stepper motors with encoder
feedback for the drive arrangement.
For the programmable motion process a Trio MC204 motion controller
unit with two-axis stepper command was chosen to keep programming
simple for the user. The Client’s PC could then be connected via
Ethernet for direct instruction for the individual dipping processes.