Tue 7th Sep 2021 - High quality, cost effective stepper drives with EtherCAT from top Italian manufacturer R.T.A. available from Micromech
R.T.A.’s excellent range of stepper drives is available from Micromech. Apart from being high quality and extremely cost-effective,
R.T.A.’s stepper drives offer EtherCat among a host of other features.
R.T.A. has produced stepping motor drives since 1976: since then more than 750.000 stepping motor drives have been sold in Italy and in more than 39 countries world-wide.
R.T.A. is number one in Italy in the stepper systems market and number three in Europe in the stepping motor drives segment.
Key benefits of R.T.A. Stepper products
- 6 main drives types, with more than 60 different products able to meet any kind of application need.
- First class quality and reliability supported by BS EN ISO 9001:2008 certified quality system.
- Ease to use, simple to set up.
- Over 30 years of experience in stepper drives design & production.
Highly competitive prices
Drive card modules start from £27 per axis and packaged drives from £60 making R.T.A. stepper drives the ideal choice for OEMs.
The use of these images came with permission from RTA.